Samurai Deeper Kyo Wiki
Vital statistics
Title Ian
Gender Female
Race Mibu
Faction Former Taishirou (she was killed and was Yuan Mother)
Health Healthy
Level Super strenght, Speed, Agility, Endurance, Expert Swordswoman (she was a former Taishirou and Yuan's Mother)
Status Deceased
Location Onmyouden Castle

Ian is the mother of Yuan and is Julian's wife.


Sdk v31 176

Ian put a stringcourse on yuan to hide his Red Eyes

Ian was very proud of her son Yuan. She put a stringcourse over his eyes so that nobody would discover that he had the Red Eyes. She was a kind person and hated dishonest people most of all.


Ian Death

A former Taishirou, she was very powerful and was killed for knowing something she should not have known (the secret of Red Eyes).
